Monday, July 03, 2006

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

4:00 a.m.

Our room alarm clock, Becky's cell alarm and our wake up call all happened within seconds of each other. We repacked Becky's car and beat the rush over to the airport. We checked in with no problems and now there is a long line behind us. We hug and kiss Becky, thank her for doing all the driving, the planning, the snacks and she takes off for Montana and home.

Skies are clear and we leave on time and arrive back in Milwaukee on time. Troy picked us up and we were back in Watertown by 2:30 p.m. Mom left shortly after that for her drive back to Hortonville.

Now wash clothes, get ready for work the next day. Start getting pictures and postcards in order. Start dreaming (planning) our next trip. Seattle and the San Juan Islands in 2008!!

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