Monday, July 03, 2006

Monday, May 22, 2006

We were up and on our way by 9:00 a.m. Continental breakfast this morning was only a muffin or bagel and juice or coffee. Very uninspiring - we've been spoiled! We are driving east along the Columbia River - home. Our vacation is almost over. It is lightly raining off and on this morning. We have been blessed with such good weather for our trip that we aren't going to complain now.

We take a pit stop in Arlington - imagine our surprise when we realize it is exactly where we stopped when we were heading towards the coast. We stopped later for gas and again at a Wal Mart. We thought we might put the second 'bunch' of pictures on a CD here. There were too many people in line so we continued our drive.

We arrived in Spokane around 1:00 p.m. Becky drove thru to the other side where we found a Wal Mart. We dropped the pictures off and stopped at a nearby SubWay for lunch. It was raining gently but steadily now. Then it came down real hard while we were inside Wal Mart picking up the CD. We came out and it quit raining so Becky could take us to a park in downtown Spokane that she wanted us to see. I keep telling you - we were blessed with good weather.

This park was beautiful. You could smell all the roses, lilacs, dogwoods. It was right along the Spokane River. It had been the site of the 1974 World's Fair. Mom was not feeling well so she rested in the lobby of the Red Lion Inn (in the park) while Becky and I walked a little more.

We saw a great water fountain that in the summer the kids could run in and out of to cool off. A carosel that had been built in 1908 and was kept in great shape by being used inside a structure where they also sold souvenirs, T-shirts, ice cream and other snacks. Becky and I had a cone that I proceeded to have problems with - dropped part of it on the ground, got it on my face and dripping down my fingers. Luckily I missed my clothes and Becky didn't have the camera so she couldn't blackmail me. Now I remember why I don't do cones.

We went into Macy's across the street so we could use the restroom and clean up. Who am I kidding - Becky wanted to shop there too. We had no extra money along & didn't want to leave Mom abandoned too long so I pushed Becky along.

Back in the park I took this picture of Becky "running" with the statues in honor of Spokanes Bloomsday Run. They have a Gondola Ride that looked fun but again, no money. Finally got back to the Red Lion and picked Mom up and we headed back to the west side of town and Airport Ramada where we were staying for our 6:00 a.m. flight.

We checked in only to find out they messed up and gave us a single room. Becky went back and talked to the front desk. They were filled up - no other rooms. They "gave" us a rollaway bed. I would have slept on the floor - I was that tired. We found the cafe and ordered sandwiches for our room. We were all tired and wanted a quiet evening.

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