Saturday, June 24, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I got up at 6:00 a.m. and wrapped up in a blanket to sit on the balcony. The water is rougher today - more waves and splash. We all were showered and dressed by 8:30 and went down to breakfast in the lobby. Today featured the same as yesterday AND blackberry tarts and asparagus-cheese quiche. We all went for a walk. Mom returned to the hotel and Becky and I went on. At the end of the walkway you could take sort of a stone path down to the beach. It was so nice to walk on soft, firm sand.

When we got back to the hotel we packed sandwiches again and left for Perpetua State Park. Their observation deck is across the highway from the ocean and 600 feet above sea level. Fantastic views! Very windy but still sunny enough to keep you warm. After the view at the observation deck we walked around to a "Rock Structure" that was built in 1934 at a high peak to look out at more ocean.

Then we went across the highway to the "Devil's Churn." Beautiful walkway down to the "Churn." Mom stopped halfway down - the pathway was quite steep. Then we had to climb back up.

We headed for home but stopped at a picnic table on Yachats Ocean Road to eat our lunch. This is where the Yachats River runs into the ocean. We were told this was a good place to watch for resident grey whales but it had to be cocktail time.

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