Saturday, June 24, 2006

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mom and I were both up around 5:45 a.m. and sat on the balcony to watch the ocean light up! Took a shower, Dad called Mom and we were ready to start our day. The three of us went for a walk and then went in to eat a continental breakfast that offered - dry cereal, oatmeal, scones, eggs, 2 different fruit salads, waffles, 3-4 different juices, milk and coffee.

By 9:00 a.m. we were headed south on Hwy 101 to the Sea Lion Cave. We stopped at Heceta Head Lighthouse for pictures but it was closed then so couldn't get any close up shots. At the Sea Lion Cave we had to go down a long walk to see the Sea Lions outside. This time of the year they pretty much stay outside and not in the cave. This is the only mainland rookery, the rest of their 'homes' are on rocks off shore. One thing for sure, sea lions are noisy and smelly, even from a distance. Then we walked up the other way past the gift shop to take an elevator 208 feet down to the cave. While we were in there we read up on the Stellar Sea Lions and went to the other side of the cave where you could see Heceta Head Lighthouse through a large opening. We heard some commotion from the side where the actual cave is and went back over there. A bull seal and 4-5 cows swam in and started playing. It really echoes in there. Bought some postcards and a T-shirt for Jack.

Then we continued on down 101 to look for a place to eat. Thanks to Becky's provisions, we packed our own lunch today. We stopped at Sutton Recreation Area and took pictures of the dunes. We finally stopped at Jetty Park to eat our sandwiches and soda. It is set aside for dune buggies but all we saw were all terrain vehicles.

We stopped at a drugstore and I got more postcards and my own earplugs. Then I bought Becky a pair of Rhinestone Safety Glasses for her birthday. Every working girl that tears apart houses need rhinestone safety glasses. From here we went on to the Umpqua River Lighthouse where we learned all about the best oysters in the area, called Umpqua River Oysters - imagine that! Becky was dying to try some but we couldn't seem to find a store that sold any fresh. We headed for home and stopped at the Adobe Restaurant for an early bird supper.

We got back to the hotel and Becky and I went for another walk. We got home before 8:00 p.m. and watched NCIS before the sun set. Slept great - the earplugs worked!

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